Tuesday in Michigan
Good Morning OFF Family,
I got up early, and dozed in my rocking chair. I have a ton of stuff to do, here in the house. The only outing I will make will be to fill my gas tank. I am putting up my tree, and blitzing my kitchen and living room. I hope to have everything done by the time I have to babysit at 3:00.
Not sure what the weather holds. Hoping to get out, and walk Utley. Also, have a bit of cooking to do.
I have been texting back and forth with Sean, and have to admit, I'm upset. He's not planning on joining the family, back home, for Christmas. Seems his live-in girlfriend, Rachel, has to work. She's a dog-walker, and he feels at 31 he's entitled to have a Christmas with just the two of them. Argh! I'm beyond perturbed. It seems her family, which is also geographically closer to my family, is so dysfunctional it makes my family back home look like the T.V. show, the Waltons. It just seems that Sean just keeps pulling away from the family, more and more. I know it also upsets Colleen to no end. I tried to point out to Sean that Colleen and Chris, who are older, and have been with their spouses a lot longer, have always spent Christmas with one of their families. There were a few Christmases that their Dad insisted we go away as a family, just the five of us. I was against that idea, but loved where we went, and we made memories big time. I know in the grand scheme of things, with sweet friends all over fighting serious illnesses. I just know that both my Mom, and his step-grandfather, Jim, are not in the best of health, and are both 87 years old. We don't know how many more Christmases we'll have with either of them.
Sorry about my rant. I'm praying he changes his mind, or that Rachel is able to get a couple of days away from her job.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and everyone.....
Trish .... I hope you get all your decorating done by 3....good luck.....sounds like it will be a huge task. But then, you always get so much done!! Sorry about Sean not getting together with everyone over the holiday. I know all too well how that hurts. With my one daughter, Jamie, living in Iowa the weather stopped me many times from making it down there. As for my daughter, Carrie, living in the Minneapolis/St Paul area it was the same thing. The weather gets so bad here so quickly. I spent many Christmas' with friends. My immediate family (sisters and brothers) are very odd. We have never gotten together for holidays. My sister and I took turns having our parents over when they were alive. My family is very dysfunctional to say the least. Each family member just does everything with their own family members. Now with my granddaughter, Amanda, grown up and living in Oregon and going to school there. They can't make it home for the holidays. The traveling from there to here is just too dangerous. They came last year and they had really hazardous traveling. They both hate to fly so that is out of the question. Plus my daughters both work as accountants and they are locked down at their jobs on the days after Thanksgiving and Christmas, they have to work. That is why I go to them. Plus, it was always easier for me to do the driving as they had children and all their belonging to pack up. I made it easier for them by me doing the traveling. Do I like it... NO... it is just what worked best for us. I would love to have them all here with me!!
As for me....I am still floating around on cloud nine! I didn't realize how much stress and how it was effecting my body until these last few days. HOW did I make it through all that. With God and all of you is how I held it together!!! Thank you all!!!!
I am still in a lot of pain from the moving this last weekend. I already have such a cheerful attitude and feel so like me again. The pain is all worth it! This Saturday my Carrie, her husband, Greg, and my grandson, Lucas, and maybe a friend of his are all coming to help me move!! I am so happy about that too!!! Pray for me that we don't get a snow storm!!
I need to go for now. I want to get a U Haul Truck rented. Greg and Sam both have pick-ups but I want a larger truck too. We can make it in one trip that way! I want to go out and work on the puzzles with the ladies for a bit too.
Have a wonderful day everyone!!! Prayers for so many of our OFF family.
I hope Jennifer is feeling better today.
I will check in again later....I have been missing everyone!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Hello everybody. I am checking in before nap time. I don't spend a lot of time on the computer lately. Sitting is so very painful, even with the heavy duty pain meds.
When I sit it is usually facing the glass doors so I can watch the beautiful birds in the bird feeders. It is easy to crochet away the time too. Good thing I have bushels of yarn.
This morning I had another PET scan to see if any of the cancers have shrunken. Next week I see the doctor to figure out where we go with radiation. The chemo will go on and on and on.
Christmas? I don't know how to manage any shopping unless it is by internet. It will work out one way or another.
No energy remaining so I'll send hugs & kisses to all.
Annette...it always brightens my day to see posts from you. I know how difficult it is for you. I imagine you have a beautiful view outside your window. I can just picture you sitting there crocheting!! It just warms my heart!!
I pray all the results are all good with the PET scan.
You are always on my mind, and in my heart, and in my prayers....daily!!!!
Love you so much sweet, sweet, Annette!! You are just so special!!
More love and gentle hugs....connie d
Evening OFF family...just a quick stop in to say HI!!!!
Boss was here today...again she said we are doing FANTASTIC!!!! Makes our hearts swell with pride!!!! Talked to her about the "snobs" and she said they have been lie that for years...but she will send them a letter asking them to stop being full of it about other tenants!!! (gossip) So hopefully this works!!! Not sure what else to do other tan keep telling those being hurt by them to ignor them!!!
Had a tenant ask if I would change the Christmas dinner to 5pm instead of 12:30 so ONE other tenant could come to it. NO. I already had the fliers made up and I was NOT going to change anything just for ONE tenant. He wants to come bad enough work around MY schedule. I put in enough hours here and I am NOT going to work off hours (like we have off hours haha) just to have an extra tenant there. I have plenty to do getting this dinner going and all as it is. Oh well...life goes on.
Weather has been nice so far...after tomorrow not sure what mother nature will do here. Snow? Mix? Ice? Wait and see but we are ready for whatever she brings us...just please do NOT knock out the power!!!! We are all electric here.
Bandit needs to go potty walking now so best get him out.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!